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    03 May, 2008

    Election reflections (1)

    It was of course a bad day for Labour all over Wales and England.

    Here in RCT, we were delighted to hold on to the Council. In 1999, of course, RCT was lost to Plaid Cymru. In the Rhondda in 1999, Plaid won 19 of the 25 council seats, leaving Labour with only 6.

    This time, in what was the worst set of results for Labour across Wales and England arguably in 40 years, we held on to RCT with a clear majority. In the Rhondda, we came back with 17 out of the 25 council seats to Plaid's 8.

    The 5 seats we lost to Plaid included one in Treorchy, where they held the other two seats already; and in Treherbert, where in 2004 we had only won the two seats with majorities of 11 and 3 . We lost two other seats by margins of 28 and 56.

    1 comment:

    Ian Titherington said...

    If it makes you feel any better, I do not like UK politics having such a fundamental effect on local Welsh politics in such a manner. No doubt, a few of the more capable Labour Councillors in many parts of Wales lost out and there are too few quality Councillors of all parties, to afford such losses.
    I've worked in Local Government long enough to learn this lesson.

    Rhondda TV
    The Labour Party

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    Promoted by Leighton Andrews AM, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff CF99 1NA.

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