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    20 January, 2005

    The other half of Bush's Brain

    The new US Republican 'Chairman', Ken Mehlman, was the co-author with Karl Rove, usually called Bush's 'brain', of a campaign presentation for the 2002 US congressional elections which was left on a CD in a Washington park then leaked to the media. I found it a very useful teaching tool when I was teaching political communications to postgrads at the Cardiff University Journalism School before my election. It's still available here.

    The Washington Post says Mehlman's skill lies in 'a political model that placed new emphasis on field strategy -- reaching voters individually, not just through mass advertising, and ensuring that they went to the polls on Election Day.' Funny, I thought that was what we did in the Rhondda Labour Party.

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    Promoted by Leighton Andrews AM, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff CF99 1NA.

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