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    17 June, 2005

    Come on you techies!

    The reason we are looking at the question of UK based web hosts with CNAME compatibiility is because Typepad has told us we need this if we are to point existing domain names to Typepad:

    TypePad's domain mapping feature allows you to point your existing domain name at your TypePad site, or directly at one of your weblogs or photo albums. In order to do this, your registrar--the company where you registered your domain name--must support "custom DNS services". This means that your registrar must give you control over the DNS records that describe your domain, and that you must have the ability to create and modify A, MX, and CNAME records.

    Anyone got any views or suggestions of hosts they trust - preferably UK-based - who can do this?




    Anonymous said...

    My webhosts are at http://www.webhosting.uk.com/, though whether they do what you are after I do not know...

    All seems rather over-complicated if you ask me. Free platforms like blogger and WP will publish direct to whichever URL you specifiy - all you need is a domain name and someone to host it.

    WP requires a bit extra - My SLQ and Apache but, as far as I'm aware, most web host companies offer this as standard.

    Doesn't Tom Watson use typepad off his own url? Maybe drop him a line?

    Leighton Andrews said...

    Thanks Jo, that's helpful. I'll follow up with Tom.

    Peter Black said...

    You might want to ask Richard Allan as well. His blog is linked on mine. He switched sometime ago and I think he retained the domain name.

    David said...

    Leighton, there's a difference between your registrar and your host: even though they may often be the same company they don't have to be.

    What this Typepad message is saying is:- yes, look, you can point traffic from your existing domain to your new Typepad site, but only if your current domain name registrar allows to to fiddle about with DNS stuff including CNAME records.

    That would make sense because CNAME can be used to alias a domain to another domain.

    But your current domain is leightonandrews.blogspot.com, and it's not yours, really. So I presume you have bought a domain name that you wish to point at your hosted Typepad service, and that's what you need to fiddle around with the CNAME record for.

    Well, the answer to your question then will be found with whoever you've registered your current doamin with. Who is that? If they don't allow you to adjust CNAME records you'll need to transfer your registration, if you want to go with a hosted Typepad solution with a registered domain automtically aliasing it.

    As others have suggested, why not just get your own space, use Wordpress, and point your domain name at it using your current registrar?

    Leighton Andrews said...

    Thanks Peter and David.

    I understand the difference between the registrar and the host. Unfortunately I appear to have bought from a registrar that does not support CNAME. Any suggestions for one that does and can be trusted, to whom I could transfer?

    At the moment I think I am going with Typepad rather than Wordpress.

    David said...

    Well, Typepad's a good solution - but I can't recommend a UK company that permits CNAME adjustments. Sorry - when you find one, let us all know who you've chosen

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