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    06 July, 2005

    Dysgu Cymraeg/Weflogiau Cymraeg

    Dysgu Cymraeg/Weflogiau Cymraeg

    Siaradais i yn Gymraeg yn y siambr ddoe, yn ystod y dadl blynyddol 'Iaith Pawb':

    Pan ges i fy ethol I’r cynulliad, roedd fy Nghymraeg I ddim o safon ddigon uchel I siarad yn y siambr. Felly, mae’n bwysig i ddechrau gan diolch i fy athrawes cymraeg, Elaine Senior. Fi’n hapus iawn i barhau fy addysg gan astudio cymraeg. Engraifft o ddysgu Siaradais i yn Gymraeg yn y siambr ddoe, yn ystod y dadl blynyddol 'Iaith Pawb':

    Pan ges i fy ethol I’r cynulliad, roedd fy Nghymraeg I ddim o safon ddigon uchel I siarad yn y siambr. Felly, mae’n bwysig i ddechrau gan diolch i fy athrawes cymraeg, Elaine Senior. Fi’n hapus iawn i barhau fy addysg gan astudio cymraeg. Engraifft o ddysgu gydol oes.

    Fi mwyn diolch rhein sy’n helpu mi ddysgu. Fi ddim yn deall pawb sy’n siarad cymraeg yma, ond weithiau fi’n hoffi gwrando yn y Gymraeg yn y siambr neu yn y pwyllgor, heb clusffonau.

    Yn anffodus, dw’i’n credu bod rhai pobl yn wneud mwy o synhwyr yn cyfieithiad.

    Wedyn, trafodais i weflogiau:

    Mae llawer o moddau I ddysgu Cymraeg heddiw. Mae’n diddorol I weld pobl sy’n defnyddio Cymraeg yn y maes technoleg. Mae’n defnyddiol I ddarllen weflogiau yn Gymraeg, er engraifft. Mae erthygl bwysig ar y pwnc hwn gan Tomos Grace yn y cylchgrawn Agenda.

    For English, click below

    I spoke some Welsh in the Chamber yesterday during the annual debate on the Assembly's language policy:

    When I was elected to the Assembly, my Welsh was not of a high enough standard for me to speak it in the Chamber. Therefore, it is important that I thank my Welsh tutor, Elaine Senior. I am happy to continue my education by learning Welsh. That is an example of lifelong learning. I would like to thank those who are helping me to learn. I do not understand everyone who speaks Welsh here but I sometimes like to listen to the Welsh spoken in the Chamber or in committee, without using headphones. Unfortunately, I feel that some people make more sense in translation.

    Then I discussed weblogs:

    There are many ways of learning Welsh today. It is interesting to see people using the Welsh language in the field of technology. It is useful to read weblogs, for example, in Welsh. There is an important article by Thomas Grace on this issue in the magazine, Agenda.

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    Promoted by Leighton Andrews AM, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff CF99 1NA.

    Author's editorial policy: This blog does not publish anonymous comments, unless they are really witty and I like them. If you have something to say, then have the courage of your convictions and use your name or an identifiable alias. Even then I reserve the right not to publish comments that are malicious, defamatory, stupid, pointlessly cynical or boring. Any of the statements or comments made above should be regarded as personal and not necessarily those of the National Assembly for Wales, any constituent part or connected body.