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    01 July, 2005

    New Assembly Building

    I came down to the Assembly building to pick up mail, deal with paperwork and use the library and saw in the Echo that the new building could now be properly viewed from the front, so I took some pictures. Clearly not all the work is finished yet, but it is possible now to get a view of how the whole structure will blend in with the rest of the waterfront on Cardiff Bay.

    Certainly, you get a sense of the magnificence of the building now, and the quality of the design and the craftsmanship that has gone into it.

    The building itself, remains controversial, of course, and I wouldn't claim it was popular. But I think as people get to see it they will increasingly come to appreciate it. It is a dramatic building and makes a clear statement about a modern democracy.

    The picture to the left here is taken from the edge of the dock looking up. This gives a sense of the openness of the development to the public - or it will when the fencing has gone!


    I am already getting bookings for school visits in my constituency in the autumn, and I guess that the building will be open to visitors sometime in October or November.

    The Education department already does a very good job explaining how the Assembly works. With the Chamber next door to their operation at the Pierhead, this should also slightly speed up school visits.

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    Promoted by Leighton Andrews AM, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff CF99 1NA.

    Author's editorial policy: This blog does not publish anonymous comments, unless they are really witty and I like them. If you have something to say, then have the courage of your convictions and use your name or an identifiable alias. Even then I reserve the right not to publish comments that are malicious, defamatory, stupid, pointlessly cynical or boring. Any of the statements or comments made above should be regarded as personal and not necessarily those of the National Assembly for Wales, any constituent part or connected body.