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    13 January, 2005

    Why this Picture is an Issue

    Why this picture is an issue.

    Some callers to Good Morning Wales this morning suggested that we shouldn't take this matter too seriously, because Prince Harry 'is just a kid'.

    Well, we should take it seriously. First, he is not just a kid. He is 20. He is a role model. He has been educated expensively for that role. He is fully aware that what he does happens in the public eye.

    Second, and more importantly, at a time when we are all concerned at the rise of extremist parties not just in Britain but across Europe, and at a time when people are preparing to mark the Holocaust Memorial Day, this is in danger of legitimising the swastika, let alone causing deep offence not only to Jewish people but also to ex-servicemen and women who fought against the swastika.

    Third, after his father, Prince Harry is second in line to the throne. Without wishing his brother any ill-will, there have been occasions in the past where the second son has ascended to the throne. This photo is now in Prince Harry's portfolio. It will be resurrected time and again in the future. Can you imagine if Britain was unfortunate enough to be facing a situation where Prince Harry was about to become King and this photograph was to be published across the world?

    (c) Leighton Andrews 2005. Material from this blog may be freely used, if attributed to www.leightonandrews.blogspot.com

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    Promoted by Leighton Andrews AM, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff CF99 1NA.

    Author's editorial policy: This blog does not publish anonymous comments, unless they are really witty and I like them. If you have something to say, then have the courage of your convictions and use your name or an identifiable alias. Even then I reserve the right not to publish comments that are malicious, defamatory, stupid, pointlessly cynical or boring. Any of the statements or comments made above should be regarded as personal and not necessarily those of the National Assembly for Wales, any constituent part or connected body.